
Light Painting by Julian Cash

Event Logistics

Room setup

Feel free to skip the logistics, and just contact Julian. He can help you figure out anthing quick as a wink.

TLDR (Synopsis)

It's super fun and unbelievable

The basics of light painting

The pictures are 100% long exposure photography. There are no computer graphics.

  1. Make a room dark
  2. Open the shutter on camera
  3. Move lights around the person being photographed
  4. Close the shutter

The shutter is open for less than a minute. Most exposures are about 30 seconds long.

Room setup

Creating a dark/dim environment

In order to light paint, there needs to be a dim environment.

Everyone can immediately see the stupendous results

Social media

Room setup


Julian is happy to work with your creative team

Some parties have a particular theme. Julian is happy to work with your creative team to make the light painting portraits that are perfect for your event. These can include branding/logos. The subjects can be holding your product. Maybe you want specific visuals or color. The medium is incredibly versatile and you will get what you want.


Room setup

We are great to work with, professional, and reliable.

For Pricing, contact Julian
You will get a quote very quickly.

The main questions will be...

You will be provided with a price quote quickly.

Call or email for pricing.